Contact: +34 963 515 176

A Product Club is a planning and management tool by which a group of companies and agencies agree on a public-private framework to work together in an organized manner, with the aim of developing new products for a specific market segment or increasing value of existing products.

Keys: commitment and collaboration

  1. recognize that interests are similar regardless the different market positions.
  2. Trust that aims are common to all
  3. All positions are interested in common benefit.
  4. A collaboration aproach benefits everyone and allows everyone to generate more income opportunities and wellbeing.


Economic targets: to create different product categories, generating complementary activities to those already existing in the park, increasing the current content.

Social targets: to develop experiences around the gastronomy culture existing in the Natural Park of La Albufera.

Environmental objectives: to inprove environmnental conservation.

Phases < / strong >

PHASE 1 – . Product Club Targeting

PHASE 2 – . Analysis of the Product Club potential

PHASE 3 – . Identification of partners and agents involved in the Product Club creation

PHASE 4 – . Selection of products and services integrating the Product Club. Goods and Services Manual

PHASE 5 – . Design, sizing, composition and management of the Product Club structure

PHASE 6 – . Product Club Economic viability analysis and management model

PHASE . 7 – Action Plan for Product Club implementation